Pound Sign

New York City, pop culture, art and nightlife. Because nobody else is blogging about those things.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Why Pound Sign?

Several years ago, one drunken night out with my wife Jen and our friend Libby, it was proposed (I think by Libby) that we should pool our varied talents and creative resources and start a magazine. We actually talked about this seriously for, oh, at least a couple of weeks. That night however, we got about as far as plotting out the masthead: we'd all be co-publishers! So, who's name is first? Alphabetical by last name, that puts Jen first, Libby last with me in the middle. So I said that I was changing my name to Aahab, no last name (like Cher!), to be first in line. That double "a" ensures that nobody gets in front of me. So Libby said she's changing her name to #. Dammit.

So now I stole it from her. I win!

And you know, think about what we use the pound sign for...it's what you push for more options. Or when you finish entering your code. It's like the pregnant pause before we move on to the next point. Am I making too much of that? Probably. But anyway, that's why Pound Sign.


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