Pound Sign

New York City, pop culture, art and nightlife. Because nobody else is blogging about those things.

Friday, August 10, 2007

Next month: frogs fall from the sky! Bring it!

Wednesday began with the two-hour monsoon that knocked out every subway line in Manhattan (our streak continues: last month's show was the same day as the steampipe explosion in midtown); meanwhile I was home in bed with some horrible flu-like bug. Then at 3:45 in the afternoon I got a call from the owner of the Parkside Lounge, to let me know that their ancient AC compressor had died, as the temperature neared 100 degrees, turning the venue into a furnace. So, with 4 hours to go before showtime, Jen made some calls: by 4:15 we had the show moved to the Slipper Room, a 10 minute walk from the Parkside. So, after a rush of email and Myspace bulletins and putting signs on the Parkside door, we moved the whole operation! It turned out to be one of our most successful shows, with a big crowd packed with our friends there to celebrate the happy coincidence of What's My Line's one-year anniversary the day before our own four-year wedding anniversary. Knocking out a successful show under those circumstances kind of makes you feel like you can handle anything that gets thrown at ya. Of course, it helps to surround yourself with the kind of people that make big, last minute changes possible, and make it look easy.


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