Pound Sign

New York City, pop culture, art and nightlife. Because nobody else is blogging about those things.

Sunday, February 12, 2006

And while we're at it, do we need another blog?

Well, here's the thing; I'm working hard to make an impact in the New York art and culture community, and I'm surrounded by talented and driven (many of them more driven then me) people who are doing the same, and I hope that this will be another way to get the word out about everything we all have happening! And, to talk about the behind-the-scenes aspect of making things happen in NYC. If you have an idea for something you want to get in front of an audience, chances are, in this town, there's an audience for it! So I want to show you my experiences doing same...

And hey, if you're at work you've already read Gawker, Gothamist, Curbed, MUG, Overheard in New York, Brooklyn Vegan, Cityrag, Lindsayism, Brownstoner....


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