Pound Sign

New York City, pop culture, art and nightlife. Because nobody else is blogging about those things.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

What's My Line in the Post!

While we were away this weekend, very pleased to have What's My Line? featured in the Sunday New York Post! Very happy about that, although I expect a retraction any day for getting my stage name wrong.

Meanwhile, Clams Casino has been nominated once again for a Golden Pastie Award at this year's New York Burlesque Festival, in the category "Biggest Sweetheart in Burlesque"! (I couldn't agree more.)

So, everybody should go to the Burlesque Fest website and click on the "Golden Pasties" page at the top to vote! If you don't already have your own opinion about nominees in these other ridiculous categories, well, they're just about all good friends of ours and just about all deserving, but if you've seen their name pop up in this blog, it's a good bet that's who I'd suggest!


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