Shocktover (get it?)
I've really enjoyed the daily Shocktober updates on Stacie Ponder's terrific blog Final Girl. Any horror fan bummed for the big month to be over should click that link and start at the bottom for the entire Shocktober experience. Stacie solicited any and all bloggers and horror fans to submit their list of their top 20 favorite horror movies. She was shocked to received over 700 entries, the vast majority having received only one or two votes! She counted them down over the course of the month, as well as offered special guest lists from horror writers and other special tidbits. I submitted my list and it was genuinely interesting to see where my 20 ended up in the grand scheme, everything from an obscure one-voter (Gargoyles, look it up, it's awesome! I'm rather proud of that) to about ten with just a small, select group of rabid fans, to a fair number in the ten that received dozens of votes. It's an entertaining and engaging look at a genre, including debate over what belongs, past decades versus current, and all unified by Stacie's funny and warm voice.
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