Pound Sign

New York City, pop culture, art and nightlife. Because nobody else is blogging about those things.

Sunday, August 08, 2010

Also, the new Luna Park is totally cool

Dragged my hungover ass out of bed this morning to Coney Island...huh, first time I've been there in the daylight all summer! Anyway, for Save Coney Island's walking tour of Coney's remaining historic buildings along Surf Avenue. The organization is still fighting the good fight to save these buildings (including the theater where the Marx Brothers first performed together and the oldest, Victorian-era building still in the amusement district) in the face of Thor Equity's continuing demolition and high-rise development plans. Join their mailing list and come out for the next tour, it was fascinating and the grassroots groups like SCI and Develop Don't Destroy Brooklyn trying to preserve the fabric of the city may not succeed in all of their missions, but they can't accomplish anything without our support.

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