Pound Sign

New York City, pop culture, art and nightlife. Because nobody else is blogging about those things.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

All of my MST3K dreams realized

Thanks to burlesque, I get to live the life of a 1970's professional TV host, which is just about the highest I can imagine aspiring to, but I do it live, surrounded by naked women. It's a pretty solid gig.

And now, another thing that I never thought I'd get to do is being realized, when I am one of the panelists on July 6th for Bastard Keith's Movie Club at Galapagos Art Space. The second installment of Keith's new venture has a panel onstage watching a movie with the audience, making snarky comments about what's on screen. This month, it's a mid-90s piece of Hong Kong weirdness, lesbian action flick The Naked Killer. Which I saw on VHS, about...15 years ago. It should be fun!

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