Pound Sign

New York City, pop culture, art and nightlife. Because nobody else is blogging about those things.

Saturday, July 01, 2006

Is this how a blog dies out?

No! It was close though...certainly an often noted component of the explosive blog phenomenon is the fact that so many new bloggers post a few times, then get bored with it, or just stop getting around to updating it-like the little kid who forgets to keep feeding the new goldfish after a couple of weeks when the novelty wears off. And I see how it happens; during an incredibly busy period of about a month and a half, involving just about every aspect of my life personal and professional, I just let this go-even though I had more to write about then ever! Then it becomes even more daunting to pick it back up. This certainly isn't a technology issue-how many of us have started diaries and journals that we just let go and didn't keep up with? Well, I have lots I want to write about and I'm forcing myself to start this back up, dammit, before it just becomes one more example of the online detritus, mouldering in the graveyard of out-of-date websites and abandoned blogs. Ok, enough metaphors-back to work.


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