Pound Sign

New York City, pop culture, art and nightlife. Because nobody else is blogging about those things.

Friday, January 25, 2008

Ain't over 'til it's over

Previously in the pages of this blog I've talked about Galapagos closing in Williamsburg, and that seems to have been premature; I talked hopefully about Mo Pitkin's staying open, and I was wrong about that too. So, this time I'm reserving judgement until I know they've actually locked the doors for the last time, but it looks like Rififi may be closing at the end of February. The comedy blogs have been talking about it, and the burlesque community is buzzing about it, and at this point nobody knows for sure if there will be some kind of last-minute reprieve. So, the collective breath is being held, for now. But if the end of this venue is drawing near, I'm even happier that Clams and I will be co-hosting Sweet and Nasty Burlesque at Rififi on Sunday, February 10. If you haven't been to Rififi in a while for one of the many burlesque, comedy, dance or movie events they host every week, you should definitely come check it out.


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