Pound Sign

New York City, pop culture, art and nightlife. Because nobody else is blogging about those things.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Great Moments in the Development of Brett Rollins, Heterosexual.

So this is pretty tangential from what I consider this blog to be about, but we were watching VH1's "I Love the '70's, Volume 2" (What? Yes, we were really watching that. Lay off, I had a long day) and up popped as a talking head in hour 1971: Erin Gray.

Erin Gray, who spent a number of seasons encased in a series of skin-tight, shiny spandex futuristic disco pantsuits in the late '70's-early '80's as Commander Wilma Deering on "Buck Rogers in the 25th Century." Perhaps best remembered now for Tweekie, Buck's midget robot sidekick who talked with Mel Blanc's voice and went "beedie-beedie-beedie" all the time. Or perhaps not best remembered, really, at all. But for me it was all about Commander Deering, with the Farrah flip and the enormous laser pistol on her slim hip. I watched this show when I was, what, 6-10? WAY pre-adolescent, but man I knew something was up with her-and the whole show! Lots of studded leather outfits and bare midriffs, spandex and keyboard-heavy dance scenes; let's be real, Buck Rogers was a few mustaches short of good old-school porn. This isn't just me, right? Way before Leia was in the slave outfit, there she was, that most late-70's of sci-fi heroines. Of course, when she comes up, Jen can really break the mood when she reminds me of her Erin Gray reference point: Silver Spoons.

Oh well, forget it-back to business. In our next installment of Great Moments in the Development of Brett Rollins, Hetorosexual: Dad's basement stack of 1960's Playboys.



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