Pound Sign

New York City, pop culture, art and nightlife. Because nobody else is blogging about those things.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Looking for walls to put stuff on.

As the end of the summer rapidly approaches, I'm looking at the start of a new job at the beginning of September; leaving behind contemporary art (for now) for the more old-school environs of a historical society. It's a good move and I'm looking forward to doing something new, but sorry to leave a place where I'm frequently surrounded by innovative new art, working artists and curators...making me realize that I need to really invigorate my curatorial efforts. If I can't rely on my day job to keep me in touch with what's moving art forward at this very moment (and no more trips to Chelsea galleries on my lunch break), I really need to step up staying connected on my own time. I know this is a challenge a lot of independent creative types face here-in fact, I live with one! So, since I didn't make the final cut for that Brooklyn gallery that selected me as a finalist a few months back, I have an exhibition proposal without a home. I'm determined to find a great space for it, and I'm really feeling like I need to work on finding that less conventional space that would love to get their hands on some of the artists who have signed on for this show! Finding a space is truly the hardest part of this process, when you're working outside the parameters of a call for proposals or gallery request-you have to make your own opportunity! I'm determined to find this show a home before the end of the year. So...anybody have a gallery out there?


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