The Corpse Wore Pasties
My good friend and sometimes collaborator Jonny Porkpie has written his first novel, The Corpse Wore Pasties, published by Hard Case Crime, a great boutique publisher dedicated to keeping alive the dying art of the hardboiled pulp detective novel that you can cram in your pocket for a short, fun read on the train. Set in the NYC burlesque scene and starring a burlesque performer-turned-accidental detective named...Jonny Porkpie, The Corpse Wore Pasties is a fun, fast-paced read and I really do recommend it--hey, it's the holiday shopping season! Get it today!
And if you missed it last week, Jonny's night job Pinchbottom Burlesque is celebrating the launch of the book with a combination interactive murder mystery-book party-burlesque show, Lurid Pulp, at the Bleecker Street theater tonight. Clams Casino makes an appearance portraying a character in the book that is...strangely familiar, named Cherries Jubilee.
(Promo picture for Lurid Pulp by Don Spiro)
Labels: burlesque, pulp novels