Pound Sign

New York City, pop culture, art and nightlife. Because nobody else is blogging about those things.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Look, it's almost the end of the day.

Spend some time with Seanbaby and the 8 most baffling food mascots of all time. By the time you get to #4, they will haunt your dreams.

I mean, you're already completely checked out for the holidays, right?

Here, take a few minutes from "working" and look at this, I love the amount of time people will lovingly put into this kind of thing.

Oh, and by the way, come start your weekend with us tonight at the Gameshow Speakeasy! What else have you got to do, go shopping? You've got 9 days to get that done!

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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

I'm not posting my own list of all the best videos of the year.

I'm just posting one. Because there is only one.

Best. video. Of the year.


Wednesday, December 07, 2011

Number 14 is my favorite

Compiled by the hilarious site Damn You Autocorrect, the 25 funniest iPhone autocorrects of 2011.

Monday, December 05, 2011

We're doomed.

The 45 most powerful photos of 2011. It's hard to argue with most of the images on this list, and some of them are truly amazing. But holy shit, with only a handful of exceptions it is deeply depressing.