Pound Sign

New York City, pop culture, art and nightlife. Because nobody else is blogging about those things.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Did I mention that we will, we will rock you?

Killer Queen Burlesque, our Off-Broadway debut, is rapidly approaching, this Saturday night! I couldn't be more excited about this show, and if you check out the lineup, a few posts down the page, you will be too! If you are in the NYC vicinity, it is a show absolutely not to be missed. In fact, I have a little secret for you: send me a message and I'll slip you the password (hey, that reminds me of a certain game show coming up next week!) to order discount tickets online before the show. (Pic of my producing partners Anita Cookie and Clams Casino by Ted D'Ottavio!)


Our far-flung striptease correspondents

Last week's T'n'A Q&A was really, really an amazing night. We were thrilled with how it came out, and because I don't, sadly, have any time at all to write about it here, check out the summary (which does not do the evening justice) I wrote for Kelly DiNardo at The Candy Pitch.

And, check out this piece from CBS Sunday Morning this past weekend, on Jo Boob's School of Burlesque! Yes, yes, all the great national TV exposure of my brilliant friends is great, but what's really important: if you don't blink, I think you might just glimpse me for 1/2 a second on the video screen seen above Scott Rayow and Anita Cookie in the corner of the stage at Pinchbottom Burlesque earlier this month, giving my usual Oscar-worthy performance.

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Wednesday, April 16, 2008

Guaranteed to blow your mind.

It has been way, way too long since I wrote a post; but I have been, straight up, too damn busy. See above for part of the reason; this is the ad for our show that will be in the next issue of Next Magazine. They sent it to me to approve it today and I was so psyched that I had to put it up. No time to write more now, but more to come! (Click for the large view!)


Thursday, April 03, 2008

The Brigadier General of Burlesque

Jo Weldon has written several posts today and yesterday in Burlesque Daily about the passing away this week of her friend Sherry Britton, a burlesque legend, at 89. Jo's posts include links to the New York Times and Daily News obituaries of Sherry, which are definitely worth reading. I had the pleasure of meeting Sherry last year at a Burlesque Hall of Fame benefit show, thanks to Jo, who knew that she would like having plenty of guys sit with her in the front row. Her passing is the latest reminder of how important the work of the Burlesque Hall is, preserving the history of this art form.


Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Next up: a certain word-guessing game involving passwords.

A fun shot (courtesy of Miss GiGi La Femme in the front row) from the debut of our new monthly show on the lovely red-curtained stage at the Fortune Cookie Cabaret, last night, April Fool's Day! It was a close match-up between our beautiful burlesque couples, they actually did really well (all did much better than Clams and I did, when we tried out the questions. And we've been married for almost 5 years. And we wrote the questions!) In the end Little Brooklyn and Noah D'Klein triumphed, but it was a tight game. And a lot of fun.