Pound Sign

New York City, pop culture, art and nightlife. Because nobody else is blogging about those things.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Arty art!

Hey, remember when this was blog about visual art? No? Fair enough. 2006 was a long time ago. But this is a post about art! But wait for it, there are my usual themes in there too...
Here's the cover of the new Katy Perry album:

Cute, right? Well, in fact that is the work of the painter Will Cotton. Will is probably best known for these erotic nudes in cotton candy clouds, although his lush vision has also been translated to installations that combine working pastry shops with sculpture and performance. He's also a very charming guy. Katy's visual aesthetic, what I might call pneumatic vintage, is both very burlesque-y and much more interesting than her charming but forgettable pop music--it's also a great fit for Cotton's painting style and it's fun to see a pop star work with an artist. And it all comes full circle for burlesque fans, who should all recognize the model in this piece of Will's from 2006, Candy Sky (Mona):

Yup, it's Ruby Valentine. Told you I'd get burlesque in there!

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Sunday, July 25, 2010

He was also on Ellen

Getting more and more excited for our burlesque homage to the man himself. And it's not all Evil Dead, BTW. He is a man for all media.

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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Shop smart. Shop S-Mart.

Our sponsor for Gimme Some Sugar, Baby: Bruce Campbell Burlesque is Grindhouse Releasing, who are behind a great new print of Evil Dead that's been making the rounds of the country--when I saw the midnight screening of it at Sunshine Cinema here in NYC (where my partners Clams Casino and Anita Cookie host a flick every month) a lightbulb went off, and they've been enthusiastic supporters, which is great. Since then, our show has been embraced by horror and cult movie bloggers across the interwebs, which is very gratifying! Here are some fun interviews with me, at Z For Zombies, and Clams, at Blood Sprayer, about the show and a whole lot more.

But, I have to say...there's one I'm geeking out on. It's, seriously...I'm geeking. Here's our show. On. Bruce. Campbell's. Website!


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Wednesday, July 14, 2010

All the way across the sky, so intense.

Another nice slideshow in the Village Voice, featuring official burlesque star of Poundsign, Clams Casino, from last Saturday's presentation of Pinchbottom Burlesque at P.S. 122. It captures her most of-the-moment performance ever, dedicated to this WEEK's hot meme.

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Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Come get some.

I may be more excited about this show than any other that we've produced. I know that's bold statement. But on August 5th, Casino O'Fortune Cookie Productions makes its Coney Island USA debut, part of the historic 15th year of Burlesque at the Beach:

I cannot. frickin'. wait. Lot's more to come.

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Thursday, July 01, 2010

I wonder if mine is still in the attic somewhere...

I hate you and your assface!