Pound Sign

New York City, pop culture, art and nightlife. Because nobody else is blogging about those things.

Monday, September 27, 2010

He did just have the one shirt, though

We all know that Race Bannon is the Steve McQueen of cartoons: the coolest, take-charge motherfucker of the 60s. But when they showed this on Saturday mornings when I was a kid, I think they edited out the fact that almost every episode hinged on Race indiscriminately machine-gunning Chinese dudes to death.


Sunday, September 26, 2010

Sometimes you just gotta ask

(It's good, right? I think I should make a t-shirt out of it.)

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Fall is in the air

And all the TV premieres are reminding me that this is the first fall since I was a sophomore in HIGH SCHOOL that Law & Order isn't on. Seriously, what are all the fourth lead Broadway actors going to do for a living now? And I'll miss the constantly running into their sets on the street. SVU and Criminal Intent just aren't the same.

Friday, September 24, 2010

I'm alright, don't nobody worry 'bout me

Oh man, we've got soooo much coming up this fall, some really exciting stuff. Including this, our first time in a new neighborhood, in a new venue, with an amazing lineup of talent and plans for a whole night of variety entertainment. Come sail the waves of the Gowanus with us! Smoothly.

Important tip! Go to Littlefield's website right now, get your tickets, save 5 bucks.

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Summer weather persists, so might as well come out and join the girls for more late night cinematic fun!

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Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Back to the era of The Rachel and Fruitopia. Also: vote for me!

Man in Black Burlesque is behind us, and it was a fantastic night; we have so much coming up ahead of us that once again, this blog is at substantial risk of becoming just a listing of our shows! But it's going to be a big, big fall. Here's our next show, this Saturday we're back at the Palace of Wonders! In fact, it will be our final show at the Palace under its original name, they've merged with the venue next door and, while that comes with an expanded stage and venue and other exciting developments, it also comes with the unfortunate name change to The Red Palace. Changing a beloved and distinctive brand never seems like a good idea to me...but hey, what do I know?

And that's not all! The New York Burlesque Festival is coming up at the end of this month, and Clams Casino and Neil O'Fortune (hey, that's me!) have been nominated for a Golden Pastie award for "Best Burlesque Couple." I want to win this much more than I should probably admit. So click this link and vote, people! I thank you.

There's a whole lot more coming up, stay tuned...

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Friday, September 10, 2010

Good Midwestern girls and boys

There are sooo many reasons to come out tomorrow night for Man in Black Burlesque: Because You're Mine, I Bump 'n' Grind at Joe's Pub! Here's a big one of 'em: it features the New York debut of the fabulous Miss Nadine Dubois!

That's her at the front! She's the sultry chanteuse of Minneapolis's legendary Lili's Burlesque Revue, and she's our host tomorrow night! In fact, she's sharing the ride above with Lili's superstar Ophelia Flame, and NYC's very own Minnesotan, Minnie Tonka! (hey, she's in the show too!)
And for full Great Lakes power, the show also includes, from Chicago's Stage Door Johnnies, Bazuka Joe!
(photo: Emma Freeman)

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