Pound Sign

New York City, pop culture, art and nightlife. Because nobody else is blogging about those things.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Blonde Ambition

And there's more! Casino O'Fortune Cookie returns to Joe's Pub on November 27th! This might give you a hint:

Yes, that's right. The second-ever Casino O'Fortune Cookie Production was a Madonna tribute, and this time it's bigger and better, with an all-new cast and a whole lot more! Check it:

Tickets available now!

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And we're back!

I'm very excited that, after a hiatus that we frankly weren't sure had an end forthcoming, the Gameshow Speakeasy is roaring back to a stage near you! (if you live in New York.) This fall we were approached by the folks at the lovely Le Poisson Rouge in SoHo to produce the Gameshow Speakeasy in their intimate Gallery Bar. So mark your calendars for Thursday, November 18th at 8:00, because it is so on!


Monday, October 11, 2010

A little less Sundance Channel, there, Park Slope.

It was very fun to see the Slipper Room and our friends Murray Hill and Julie Atlas Muz make cameo appearances in last night's episode of Bored to Death. And it's always fun to see Zach Galifianakis and Jonathan Ames, past mystery guests on the Gameshow Speakeasy. Actually, I just love the damn show, period. It's as if it was filmed to be beamed to our TV specifically. It could not be more intended for us as its audience. And that raises a question for me everytime I watch it: who outside of New York City is watching this show? Hell, who outside of Brooklyn?

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Monday, October 04, 2010

It was quite a weekend

The New York Burlesque Festival 2010 in pictures.
